I served a full-time mission from 2011-2013. During this period, I had the privilege of being transferred to a city called Divo in Ivory Coast. During my service in one of the branches, I had a very great blessing to conduct a baptismal interview for an investigator of the church who had got the conviction to follow the Lord by going through the waters of baptism.
During the interview, I felt that this brother still needed time to prepare better before being baptized because he should better observe certain principles. Therefore, I did not sign his baptismal record.
Before finishing the interview, I asked the brother only one question: 'if he felt the desire to follow the savior by being baptized with water and receive the holy spirit'. He automatically said 'yes.
So, I paused and made an inner prayer to the Lord to take advice from him by saying 'Father help me now'. After 5minutes I felt a strong desire in my heart and mind to sign his baptismal record form.
The brother was happy to be baptized. He was confirmed a member of the church the next day.
After his confirmation thus on Monday, I received a call about the death of the baptized brother.
This news made me sad in our missionary apartment but then I was later comforted. I immediately thanked the Lord for granting me the opportunity to serve him by listening to the promptings of the spirit and signing the baptismal form as directed.
I bear a sincere testimony that listening to and following the voice of the Lord through the holy spirit can be a blessing to us and those around us.
I testify of this in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.