The Africa West Area Presidency announces that all family members can now come to Church on Sundays for worship services. Children and the elderly can join their families. Consideration to individual circumstances will determine the choice to attend or not by each individual and family as we continue under the COVID-19 pandemic. The Sunday congregational meeting schedule is currently limited to a one-hour Sacrament meeting.
Weekday meetings and activities in Church meetinghouses can be held, as long as they are fully compliant with government and Church guidelines. Your meetinghouses must have received approval to recommence Sunday services from the Area Presidency.
All government guidelines must be followed strictly for the COVID-19 pandemic. Please make sure that (not an all-inclusive list):
1. Any member who is ill must not come to Church on Sunday
2. Buildings are clean, orderly, and disinfected
3. Social distancing of two meters is maintained at all times, unless when sitting next to family members or individuals who live under your same roof
4. Hand washing with soap and water facilities are provided at the entrance of the buildings. Members should wash their hands for a minimum of twenty seconds
5. Hand sanitizer receptacles are to be provided in the sacrament hall
6. There will be no singing by the congregation. Pre-recorded music will be played with the sound system
7. Avoid touching other members physically
8. Others as applicable.
We are very grateful for your attention to the COVID-19 pandemic prevention. President Russell M. Nelson has invited us to be good neighbors and model such prevention in our homes and communities, as well.