It was standing room only inside the Christiansborg Stake Center in Accra, Ghana as community members gathered to enjoy the Miracle of Christmas concert on 22 November, 2024. The concert, which has been an annual event for several years now, is the kick-off event for the Africa West Area’s “Light the World” campaign.

Light the World, an annual event sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is a global campaign that Celebrates the birth of the Savior, who is the Light of the World. The campaign invites all world citizens to let their light shine during the Christmas season by promoting peace, loving those around them, and engaging in acts of kindness and service that emulate the example of Jesus Christ. In the Africa West Area, the campaign begins with the Miracle of Christmas concert and is then followed up by food donations in each of the countries that are in the Area.

The Concert featured performances by choirs and individual artists, all of whom highlighted the season with traditional as well as contemporary musical numbers. The joyous performances engaged the audience which, at times, rose to its feet to dance in place. Also, with the lights dimmed, the audience waved their cell-phone lights in rhythm to the music.

Dignitaries and local leaders from various organizations and institutions attended, along with traditional leaders from the Ga community and other ethnic groups. The guest of honour and keynote speaker for the event was the Honorable Zanetor Agyemang-Rawling, a member of Ghana’s parliament. In her remarks, she highlighted the need for peace and unity among all God’s children, and she reflected on her role as a public servant who is committed to doing her part to foster peace.
Of special note was the attendance of Sister Tamara Runia, 1st counsellor in the General Young Women’s Organization, and Sister Tracie Browning, 2nd counsellor in the General Primary organization, along with their husbands. They were in the Africa West Area on assignment and took time from their busy schedule to attend the concert. Each offered a brief message to the audience. President Alfred Kyungu, President of the Africa West Area, also spoke about the Savior and His light. Then, together with the visiting General Officer Sisters, he presented a gift to Mrs. Agyemang-Rawling, a beautiful framed painting of “Lead Kindly Light,” which is an image of the Savior holding up a lamp.

At the conclusion of the musical program, the visiting Sisters, along with President and sister Kyungu, joined Mrs. Agyemang-Rawling to turn on the Christmas lights decorating the temple compound.