Ignatius Baidoo and Adelaide Baidoo
Ignatius Baidoo and Adelaide Baidoo, three children, Mamponse 1st Ward, Accra Ghana Laterbiokorshie Stake: Nigeria Benin City Mission. President Baidoo is a former stake president, stake presidency counselor, high councilor, stake mission presidency counselor, elders quorum president, ward mission leader, ward Sunday School presidency counselor, ward Young Men presidency counselor, and missionary in the Nigeria Port Harcourt Mission. He was born in Kade, Ghana, to Edward John Kojo Baidoo and Monica Justina Eshun.
Sister Baidoo is a former seminary teacher, stake Primary presidency counselor, stake missionary, ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor, institute teacher, stake music director, and missionary in the Ghana Accra Mission. She was born in Cape Coast, Ghana, to Francis Spio Ashun and Rebecca Sono.
Contact Information
Office +234 90-6243-7710
Mailing Address
12 Osahon lkuobase St., off Ugbor Road
Benin City
Edo State