David Oryang and Christine Oryang
David Oryang, 64, and Christine Oryang, two children, Woodbridge 1st Ward, Woodbridge Virginia Stake: Nigeria Calabar Mission. Brother Oryang is a former stake president, stake presidency counselor, stake Young Men president, high councilor, bishop, bishopric counselor, branch president and Primary teacher. He was born in Gulu-Acholi, Uganda, to Edward Anthony Oryang and Eva Hellen Oryang.
Sister Oryang is a Primary teacher and former branch Primary president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Young Women presidency counselor and ward Relief Society secretary. She was born in Kumi, Uganda, to William Ibuyat Obore and Faith Asekenye Opolot.
Contact Information : +234 906 299 8002
Email: david.oryang@churchofjesuschrist.org