Anthony Quaisie and Emily Quaisie
Anthony Quaisie, 54, and Emily Quaisie, four children, Burma Hills Ward, Accra Ghana Christiansborg Stake: Nigeria Ibadan Mission, succeeding President Frederick O. Akinbo and Sister Marian Akinbo. Brother Quaisie is a Young Men adviser and former Area Seventy, stake president, stake presidency counselor, high councilor, regional welfare agent, stake mission presidency counselor, bishop, ward Sunday School president and missionary in the Kenya Nairobi Mission. He was born in Dunkwa-On-Offin, Ghana, to Samuel Ezookwa Quaisie and Mary Aba Ackon.
Sister Quaisie is a Sunday School teacher and former ward Primary president, ward Primary presidency counselor, Young Women adviser, Primary teacher, literacy teacher, music director and nursery leader. She was born in Tema, Ghana, to Emmanuel Nuertey Larnyoh and Grace Adimle Okutu.
Contact Information : +234 814 132 7867
Email : anthony.quaisie@churchofjesuschrist.org