Mathias N. Niambe and Clemence Niambe
Mathias N. Niambe and Clemence Niambe, three children, Concorde Ward, Abobo Cote d'Ivoire West Stake: Nigeria Lagos Mission. President Niambe is a former stake presidency counselor, bishop, elders quorum president, elders quorum secretary, ward mission leader, ward Sunday School president, seminary teacher, and temple ordinance worker. He was born in Ahounienfoutou, Côte d'Ivoire, to Koffi Niambe and Amani Marie Kissie.
Sister Niambe is a former ward Relief Society president, stake Young Women presidency counselor, ward Young Women president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Primary presidency counselor, Relief Society teacher, Primary teacher, ward missionary, and temple ordinance worker. She was born in Abobo, Côte d'Ivoire, to Bi Balo Touvoly and Marie Sahoua Daly.
Contact Information
Office +234 80-3904-4763
Fax 234 1-4393-6108
Mailing Address
6 Gbemi Oluwa Close
Off Sule Abuka Crescent, Off Opebi Road,
Lagos State