Ike Ake and Justina Ike-Ake
Ike Ake and Justina Ike-Ake, five children, Omoku Ward, Port Harcourt Nigeria Choba Stake: Nigeria Owerri Mission. President Ake is a former temple ordinance worker, stake president, high councilor, branch president, Sunday School teacher, institute teacher, and seminary teacher. He was born in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, to Johnson Ogbulawkwo Ake and Eunice Ajumoke Onwusah.
Sister Ake is a former temple ordinance worker, stake Relief Society presidency counselor, and branch Relief Society presidency counselor. She was born in Omoku, Nigeria, to Clinton Ajie and Rita Ndubueze Ajie.
Contact Information
Office +234 815-089-3421
Mailing Address
19 Chief Nwosu-ihene Close
Imo State