Prince Ebere and Happiness Ebere
Prince Ebere, 62, and Happiness Ebere, five children, Isiala Okpu 1st Ward, Aba Nigeria North Stake: Nigeria Port Harcourt North Mission. Brother Ebere is an elders quorum president and former stake president, district president, branch president, bishopric counselor, ward executive secretary, Sunday School teacher and temple ordinance worker. He was born in Amapu, Isiala Ngwa North, Abia Nigeria, to Obadiah Onyndimlazu Ebere and Julia Nnalu Atasie.
Sister Ebere is a stake Relief Society presidency counselor and former ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, Sunday School teacher and seminary teacher. She was born in Mkpuka Amaise Ahaba, Nigeria, to Emmanuel E Emeonye and Nnebuihe Okwandu.
Contact Information : +234 803 710 0606
Email: Prince.Ebere@ChurchofJesuschrist.org