The Ashaiman Ghana Stake started its first Strengthening Families Course classes on February 20, 2022, and ended on August 21, 2022. The class was held every third Sunday of the month at 4pm at the Ashaiman Ghana Stake Center.
Course Participants’ Testimonies: Two brothers and two sisters have registered their appreciation of the course with testimonials as follows:
I have been so blessed for participating in this strengthening marriage course. At first, I used to understand and do things in ways that sometimes bring confusion and unhappiness in my marriage but now I have come to learn of truths and principlesthat have shifted my understanding and helped me to change for the better as a husband and father. I can now control my anger and find better ways of communicating with my wife and the evidence is that I can now see smiles and happiness in my marriage and home (Brother Samuel Acquah, Sun City 3 Branch).

One of the things I have benefited from the strengthening marriage class was that, at first, I did not pay attention to the petty things that matter most to my wife, and she also did not pay attention to the things that matter to me. But after going through the class, we have come to be more sensitive, patient, and tolerant with each other and it is making our marriage more lovely and peaceful as we strive to improve (Brother Michael Gbemu, Adjei Kojo Ward).

Sister Wilhemina Edem-Akabutu of the Klagon Ward said, ‘‘I loved all the exercises-including the videos, case studies, etc.-we went through. The course had really taught me how to spice up and navigate my love life and my relationship and be more matured in handling challenges with patience and achieving closeness in my relationship. I have realized that after almost 14 years in marriage, I still need to learn more about marriage relationships!’’

Sister Ruth Ennuson of Zenu Ward noted that, ‘’Patience is one of the most valuable skills sets a person can have. What a beautiful thing to be calm with your spouse and children when they need calming the most. Anger is contagious, but so is patience. If you remain calm and collected during an argument, odds are the other person isn’t going to stay angry for long. I bear my humble testimony that when we are patient with our spouse our home will be heaven on earth