Family History
African Church Pioneer Culminates Journey of Faith and Service
Bound to the Savior through Ordinances and Covenants.
An enhanced device to facilitate family history processes.
With Elder & Sister Holland | 27 February | 7 a.m Ghana| 8 a.m Nigeria
More than 80 ancestors uploaded on FamilySearch resulting in 350 temple ordinances.
The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles have approved new policies regarding responsibilities of those serving in elders quorum and Relief Society presidencies.
A member rejoices in the work being done for her ancestors in a faraway temple.
“I shall be in the Temple again, to do Temple work for my father and more of my ancestors when I am one year old in the Church. I have begun to research my ancestors to prepare them to receive the restored gospel by baptizing on their behalf. I know that if I am able to accomplish this task, the joy and happiness of my father will be full.”