Ghana, Kumasi featured.
New system allows Church members to send the names of individuals in need directly to the temple, where those names can be included in prayers of faith
“I’ve learned that even through clouds of sorrow, there can be silver linings found.”
Learn More about Latter-day Saint Temples and Temple Dedications
'And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven...'
We worry about things that are for the Lord to fix for us. We mortgage our eternal happiness for things that have no eternal significance to us.
Make a plan, stick to the plan, and don’t let small things prevent you from receiving the blessings of the temple
One of the most fascinating teachings of the restored gospel is the doctrine of redemption for the dead. The scriptures are very clear (Rom 14:8-9) that the Savior is the Lord of both the living and the dead.
“The temple coming to your area was not an accident. It came as a result of your faith and prayers to have a temple amongst you that would enable you to receive ordinances from the Lord that would enable you to become eternal families and gain your eternal salvation.”