Teshie Ghana Stake Receives Family Search New Device. 


A New Stake Family Search Google Chrome Mobile Suitcase Equipment was finally installed, and Stake Leaders led by President Jeffrey Botchway (2nd Counselor in the Stake Presidency), Bro. Edward Karkari (High Councilor - Stake Family History), Sister Agyare (Stake Family History Consultant) with some Ward Family History Consultants benefitting from a first operation of the Chrome Computer Tablets on Friday 12th March 2021.

Presentation of the new device was made by Area Family History Managers (Richard Dadzie and Samuel Appiah Kubi).  

Bro Appiah Kubi in his presentation explained the uniqueness of the Google Chrome Suitcase which is consists of:

  • A special Chrome Modem connected to access Internet Access
  • 6 Chrome Computer sized Tablets specifically installed with the Family Search App software
  • A specialized Suitcase can be moved from the Stake Center to various Wards scheduled by the Stake leadership and Bishops.

Following the description of the package, Bro. Paapa Dadzie took the Stake Participation Team through the application of the 6 Google Chrome Family Search Tree software. With this software application, a member can easily complete his/her family tree up to the 4th generation and use it to undertake vicarious Temple Ordinances on behalf of their ancestry.


Concluding Remarks:

President Botchway recalled the previous tedious manual processes where members had to complete pedigree charts and must engage family history centers installed with desktop computers which most times had teeming challenges in internet connectivity. The arrival of the technology was to tremendously enhance the family history mission of the membership of the Teshie Ghana Stake.

The mobility capability was recognized and acknowledged to make more efficient the practical implementation of Redeeming the Dead mission of the Church.

The Stake Family History Consultant, Sister Agyare, who would directly coordinate the use of the Google Chrome Suitcase offered appreciation and thanked the Africa West Area Team for their presentation.