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A Virtual Advisor is an interactive pdf that is downloaded to your 📲 phone. It suggests a path for you to follow to become successful in that industry. It also has links to helpful related websites, and a ✅ checklist so you can keep track of what you’ve completed. If one of the industries below interests you, click 👆🏾 on its tile to go to the corresponding Virtual Advisor. Once there, click the download arrow ⬇️ in the upper right corner to download it to your phone.

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Bloom is a company that matches international English speaking workers with online remote jobs. The following is a list of skills and equipment needed in order to be considered for work with Bloom. Bloom also hires mentors for BYU Pathway.

Click Here for the Virtual Advisor 👆🏾

BYU-Pathway Worldwide provides access to spiritually based degrees completely online at an affordable price. This Virtual Advisor will guide you through the preliminary steps to help insure you are successful in BYU Pathway

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Welcome to the Institute Virtual Advisor. This is an outline of courses and credits needed to receive a 4 year diploma from LDS Institute.

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Welcome to the Virtual Advisor. Below is a recommended set of courses to help you be a successful missionary. 

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Welcome to the Virtual Advisor. This will walk you though courses that will educate you on how to be a better parent. 

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Welcome to the Virtual Advisor. This will walk you though the steps for obtaining a PEF loan. 

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Welcome to the Virtual Advisor. Below is a recommended set of courses to help you adapt and be more successful in this new phase of life. 

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Welcome to the Virtual Advisor. This will help you identify your next step on the covenant path. 

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Welcome to the Virtual Advisor. The following courses are a suggested path to help you upgrade your work.